About Us


The former Power Cooling division of GEA Group AG operates separately and independently under the name ENEXIO.

ENEXIO is a reflection of what we do and what we have accomplished as pioneer in the field of industry-, process-, and power plant cooling as well as process industry cooling over decades. At the same time, our name is a promise to our customers and business partners – ENEXIO stands for Energy. Engineering. Excellence.

With our experience and pioneering spirit in engineering, manufacturing and service, we deliver state of the art solutions for power plants, water and wastewater applications – always inspired by our profound sense of responsibility for the overall management of resources and a clean environment. We deliver excellence and achieve customer satisfaction everywhere in the world. Our global network of employees work with an unceasing commitment to high quality, ecology and cost effective products and services. 

What our commitment to Energy, Engineering and Excellence means for you is that we are a reliable partner who is always there to meet your expectations with superior results. More than 80 years in the market and a great deal of success have made us a leading manufacturer and solutions provider worldwide of both wet and dry cooling systems. 

Depending on customer requirements, we can provide any type of cooling solution for power generation efficiency while assuring cooling water economy. Our rich product portfolio ranges from all dry air cooled condenser (ACC) technologies to all wet cooling towers, with limitless dry/wet combination systems and evaporative add-on solutions in between.

In addition to our core power cooling solutions, we also offer cooling tower components that ensure a high degree of operating safety and environmental protection.

The diversity of our designs provides customers with extremely eco-friendly solutions and a minimum of operating and maintenance costs. Underlining our responsibility as a reliable partner, we also offer customers comprehensive maintenance and spare parts service, developing and manufacturing all of the main components at our own production sites.

Experience ENEXIO!

Corporate Governance

Tone from the top

For us at ENEXIO, integrity means acting in accordance with our values – excellence, responsibility, integrity, passion, and diversity – wherever we do business. A key element of integrity is compliance: adherence to the law and to our own internal regulations. We have zero tolerance for corruption and violations of the principles of fair competition – and where these do occur, we respond rigorously.

The ENEXIO Management Board sets the following principles by way of a Tone from the Top and provides, by all Compliance policies and guidelines, the framework for an ethical business conduct of all officers and employees.

  • Compliance with all legal regulations and internal company policies is a key management duty at ENEXIO and has absolute priority, even if it has a negative impact on the business (whether internal or external financial targets or other business goals).
  • ENEXIO expects legally and ethically impeccable conduct from all of its directors and employees in daily business operations because the way they carry out their duties affects the company’s reputation and economic viability.
  • The Management Board declares that ENEXIO is unreservedly committed to Compliance and will forgo any business transactions that would violate any compliance principles.
  • The ENEXIO Global Code of Conduct in conjunction with the Anticorruption Policy, the Antitrust Policy, the Export Control Policy, and further policies, detail the organizational framework for corporate compliance and specify areas in which violations of applicable law can have particularly serious adverse consequences, both for the entire enterprise and for individual employees.
  • The principles set forth in these policies are designed to guide directors and employees in their business-related actions and protect them from misconduct.
  • The ENEXIO Compliance Organisation provides support for this purpose. Employees may contact their respective supervisors or Compliance Officers for support and advice on ensuring legally compliant conduct in specific business situations.

Quality Policy

We are committed to ensure total customer and employee satisfaction by

Each of our entities – comprising Production, Engineering, and Sales & Service functions – are responsible for setting up Quality objectives and targets as well as developing and implementing sustainable programs to achieve them. Our Quality Policy is based on four main pillars and reflects 100% what we do understand regarding QHSE:

  • Ensure high standards of quality of Product & Services, On-Schedule deliveries and complying with quality codes and standards.
  • Building quality culture through team work, employee empowerment and ensuring safe & healthy work Environment.
  • Identifying all risk arising from business process well in advance and effectively managing those risks.
  • Constantly monitoring and improving our quality management System.


From being the inventor of the first Air-cooled condenser in 1935 to German Brand Award in 2017

More than 80 years in the market and a great deal of success have made us a leading provider worldwide in developing and manufacturing both wet and dry cooling systems. We have a long history delivering beneficial industry-first technology: We developed the first Air Cooled Condenser in 1935, we are the inventor of the Heller-Technology in 1940 and our first natural draft wet cooling tower was erected in 1965. Since 1974 we serve the water and wastewater industry with 2H components and solutions and revolutionized the waste management in coal-fired stations with our patented Circumix technology in 1990.


1920: Foundation of GEA in bochum by Otto Happel Sr.(Born 1882)

Founded on 2 February 1920, GEA, abbreviated from the original German name of the company “Gesellschaft für Entstaubungs-Anlagen mbH”, was the work of a man who was an entrepreneur with heart and soul, a man gifted with an exceptional technical insight and filled with the desire for pioneering technical innovations.


1935: The Air Cooled Condenser – a Technical Milestone

In 1935, Otto Happel, in co-operation with the engineer Dr. Kurt Lang, began developing air-cooled condensers for stationary steam turbines.


1965: Our first natural-draft cooling tower built

First natural-draft cooling tower rated 300 MW erected under license at the Niederaussem power station, Germany.


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